Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hannah’s Bubble Bath:


Poor little Hannah had been sick with the stomach flu the night before. She was still feeling a little sick so I told her she could have a bath. She asked if she could have her “swimming soup on and go swimming in Mommy’s bathtub?”. Since she had been sick I thought it would be nice for her to have some thing special like that. She got to have her little toy animals and BUBBLES! Hannah loved it and seem to feel lots better when she was done : )

Hannah's bubble bath 014

Her whole face lights up when she smiles!

Hannah's bubble bath 010  Hannah's bubble bath 012 Hannah's bubble bath 013 Hannah's bubble bath 014 Hannah's bubble bath 015 

When you turn on the jets in the tub you get a lot of bubbles really fast. She thought the jets were scary but the bubble were awesome!

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